26 Reasons Why


After turning 26 two weeks ago, I sighed with relief as I ‘officially’ bade goodbye to what they call the quarter life crisis – although I know it does not work that way. But well, turning a leaf marks the beginning not only of another year but a new phase in the so-called adulthood stage. Being at this point now is like sailing a boat amid the wideness of the ocean with almost zero nautical knowledge. It would help if a powerful demigod would come to help and rescue a whole village. (Sorry I love Moana to death).

But I digress.

This post, as the title connotes, is inspired by the popular novel-turned-TV series 13 Reasons Why, which (spoiler alert) tells the story of a teenage girl who explains the ’13 reasons why’ she killed herself through a set or recorded tapes sent to the people that caused them. But I haven’t watched the series yet.

Fret not. I’m not suicidal. In fact, I am writing this post with the exact opposite idea – list the 26 reasons why life is awesome.

  1. How better can you start than your morning coffee? It’s literally the first thing you look forward to every waking day. It awakens your body and soul, keeps you calm and invigorated. When there’s coffee, what can go wrong?
  2. And then you wake up to your weird, loud, disorganized family. Need there be more said?
  3. Every day, you face the world with a game face on. And you need to dress up like you need to slay the red carpet, or stride the catwalk, or simply walk the streets. Mama Tyra said, ‘Every hallway is a runway’.
  4. Put on your earphones, turn up the volume, and nod your head to the rhythm. You gotta be friends with Lady Gaga.
  5. Cats!
  6. And then when there’s time, draw. Find inspiration in things – the weirdest, smallest, and unlikeliest. There is inspiration everywhere, if only you open your eyes well enough…
  7. …like strolling on Instagram where the prettiest things are! It’s a virtual world of wonder and art and inspiration – an escape pretty much. Can be unreal and surreal. But who doesn’t want some fantasy?
  8. Things aren’t always rosy, but flowers can always make your day. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The earth laughs in flowers.” They sure do; I can hear them.
  9. When anything goes wrong, Seafood! Oh stop.
  10. And some good old pasta, rice noodles, spaghetti, lasagna, carbs! I mean who doesn’t drool over pasta? Come one, pasta is love!
  11. As much as you love the colors of the trees.
  12. Peace.
  13. The sun is blazing in April, and you are #Kayumanggiproud
  14. And then you can always unleash your inner Thalassophile. When in doubt, go to the beach and get your much needed vitamin sea. Sometimes all you need is a salt, sun, sand, serenity.
  15. Travel as much as you can. Collect memories, not things.
  16. Who doesn’t love just staring at the stars and the Milky Way?
  17. And who doesn’t love to camp out, beside a bonfire on a summer night?
  18. And who doesn’t want the smell of earth after the rain? When all is fresh, when the thirst of everything is quenched.
  19. Nature knows how to amaze you, cleanse you, feed and nourish your soul.
  20. Poetry does the same, pretty much. It also immortalizes memories, feelings, thoughts, dreams.
  21. Naps. Sleep. Heaven is for real.
  22. The feel of the clean air when you’re on your way home, looking outside the bus window.
  23. And then your friends who you love to share your lamest stories with, just laugh until it’s the wee hours, hug and kiss.
  24. Share love to the world. Every stranger’s smile is a gift, receive it and say thanks through your own smile. Pass it forward.
  25. Faith.
  26. Oh, sunsets remind us that even endings can be beautiful.

And the list goes on. You can never run out of reasons why life is worth living. – it is!

I used to ponder profoundly on the essence of my existence, but now I just live each day as it passes. I no longer desire to unearth the nebulous purpose of life because as it unfolds, there grows a multitude of reasons why every breath you take is, in itself, precious.



*Photo: Google



25 Things I need to do/have/be before I turn (Oh No) 25!

So a month ago, we all woke up after that Blue Moon and voila, it’s August. And all hell broke loose. LOL. That means it is at least 8 months before I flip another page (although it hurts to) and turn a year older. I will be 25!!! I still feel and look 21 though. No, your opinion doesn’t matter. Haha

And because I love to list things, I have decided to make another list called #25for25: The 25 things I need to do/have/be before I turn 25.

This list is, as always, all-in everything. So it could range from really cute to really silly. Whatever goes! So let me start.

  1. Take a selfie at Misibis Eco-Park. Haven’t been there. Gotta be there.
  2. Shout my name atop one of the famed Quitinday Hills of Camalig!
  3. Cook some barbeque and dance around bonfire with my Diamonds. #FriendshipGoals
  4. Buy a new backpack – a blue one with two side-pockets! Yass
  5. Get my skin burned AGAIN at Pinamuntugan Island.
  6. Read a really good book I am yet to find. Any?
  7. Fill one Google search page for #sketchophrenic
  8. 250 Instagram followers!!
  9. Compile my sketches into a book.
  10. And buy a sketchbook.
  11. See some of them drawings become the real thing (in a wedding or two perhaps?).
  12. Learn how to sew.
  13. And sew a garment. Help me God.
  14. Have my own room 25 years later.
  15. Admire the sunrise at my lola’s house which I miss badly.
  16. Have my flat tummy back. (Although curl-ups are killing me. Literally.)
  17. Buy new glasses for ze eyes.
  18. Visit the dentist for the first time.
  19. Buy myself a pair of Dr Martens, doesn’t matter if it’s preloved! #GOALS
  20. Take my Mama to a stroll at Legazpi Boulevard.
  21. And have my photo taken at the ‘LEGAZPI’ signage.
  22. Write a poem.
  23. Grow my hair so long and…
  24. Be blonde. Platinum blonde.
  25. And finally, Get inked. Okay. Although I gotta think about this. A LOT.

Work to be done, Gotta start kicking.

What’s a birthday for?

birthdaysIt’s that one day in a year when people expect you to be in high spirits, overflowing with energy, appreciative of every single piece of anything that will be part of that one special day. It’s that one day in the year when you feel like you are the center of the universe and all the stars have aligned to say in a chorus how lucky and blessed you are to reach this one day in a year.

A first birthday is a miracle of life. For a naive 5-year old kid, a birthday is a party with cake and balloons and games and fun. For an awkward 13-year old, it is (probably) awkward to have a (kid’s) party. For a 17-year old, it’s time to have a legitimate party like the old ones. For a 24-year old, it makes you – well – old.


It is the day when you feel a tad older by a year than the self you really feel you are. It’s that one day in the year when you think about the change that should have happened or not within the last 365 days. LIFE CRISIS. You think about your bad decisions and think about the what-could-have-been-if thoughts that you suppress on non-Birthday days. You are reminded of every single person you need and don’t need in your life who is present or not. You think of goals that are out of reach. Your pocket is shouting with hunger. There is no real party.


But a birthday, most importantly, is a reminder of that wonderful God-given gift called Life. It is as celebratory as every single morning you wake up to live another day. You think about the transcendental meaning of your existence to the cascades and cycles of Mother Nature. You are humbled by the longevity that is the cosmos, and the Supreme Power that created it all.

And, you then feel thankful for the new lease of life that the same Power has given you. Happy Birthday, Self!

Who’s older now?

Birthdays are always bittersweet — that is, celebrating the past year of your (supposedly meaningful) existence and harbouring anxiety and/or fear over what lies ahead. Add to that, the perks and pains of growing older.

But birthdays are fun. I remember listing 21 things that I wanted to achieve during my birthday last year. At first, it felt exciting to count… I’ve got an alarm clock which I already destroyed; new stuff I bought myself, so on. But wanting and waiting got me tired and soon I convinced myself that it didn’t matter if I got them all or not. Que sera sera.

This year was different. I did not feel excited to grow a year older. I felt it was hard to bid my 21-year old self goodbye-that drama? Maybe it’s the feeling that after a day, I will have to carry a heavier bag or something. Nonetheless, let me give a shout-out to those that greeted me personally, through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and SMS. I appreciate the effort and the fact that you did remember. Maybe I did something that remarkable to have people remembering. From the heart, Gracias!


gawa ng kapatid ko- manila paper lang, coloured pens: enough to make you smile, right?


workmates posted on my Google+


HBD shout-outs at Facebook

But back at yesterday, instead of meeting up friends for a pizza or reading Facebook greetings, I headed straight home after work, slept and woke up for dinner. When I woke up this morning, it’s not my birthday anymore and it’s a new day, an ordinary day. The next 364 days will be. 🙂

Not all that glitters is gold: The Omagob Adventure

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Not all that glitters is gold. Minsan sunburn sa noo, sa ilong, sa batok.

If I were to get trapped in an island (pretending that I have a choice), I would bring along the best of friends I can pick up to keep me company (and sane while I get myself believing I’m safe). I know the story would not be the typical survivor-slash-Castaway we always get to watch, but doesn’t that sound exhilarating — being away with friends with barely any food or clothes or Signal in an insanely remote island? Provided the island doesn’t have predators or carnivorous plants, and there’s enough potable water and fruit-bearing trees and some cooking oil, cold Coke, hotdogs, Piattos and a TV set with Cable connection!

What??? Oh forget it. We’ll just call the boatman to fetch us up. The End.

final pic

Rewind to Saturday: Bags packed! We’re going to the island. Yep, you heard right. Me and four friends (Mae, Kaye, Momybei and Ivy) went to a private island in Bacacay called Omagob (etymology unknown) and had loads of summer fun for our lives.

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Plus, I also brought along my sister as a chaperone and my newest pet, Kloe. I assume she (Kloe) had as much fun as we did, although she got nauseous (perhaps) while we were riding the motor boat, and had to v*mitt right out. But she got fine soon. But who wouldn’t get fine seeing the sparkling beach and the cool, crisp, blue water?

All right, that was a bit too much of a description. Actually, the private island is not the white sand beach you were imagining. The shore has light brown and very tiny pebbles rather than find sand— which I love because you can actually feel them under your feet. The water is blue and green due to coral reefs thriving healthily under the deep part of the seas. It was a sight to behold on broad daylight— almost a dream set against the once-covered, once-naked Mayon Volcano background. Pictures!!!

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And the best part? It’s free! Yep, the island is a private property and is not developed. A caretaker, who happens to be Mae’s Tito, stays to maintain and clean the island. There are no amenities, so you don’t get any distractions and just get memorised by the sight while you talk silently with yourself. (drama?)

Anyways, you can actually walk around the island in a few minutes as it is relatively small. We actually did twice. Going around, you’ll see that the other side facing the gulf is where the waves break— reason there are beautiful rock formations here and there rather than the sandy shore. Also, we saw sea urchins, a lot of them!

Omagob is just one of the numerous exotic islands of Bacacay. Looking from where I stood, I can only imagine what lies ashore and beyond in the nearby and far-flung islands that wait to be seen. Those I shall see some other time— maybe when my sunburnt skin doesn’t feel sore anymore. Ciao!


p.s. thanks mae for the photos!

happy birthday bunay!


 Birthdays are always special, especially if they are spent with people close to our hearts. As you have opened another year in your life- to gain wisdom, gain maturity and have lots of fun growing older- may the little friendship that we have shared so far be a reminder to you to always smile and light up other people’s worlds, just like what you do always. With Momybei, Jane, Kaye, Mae, Doodie, Ate Ana and Ate Norie, Kirt, as well as Ate Mich, Happy Birthday Baks! Tiwala lang and God Bless! love lots…  🙂 rhai/rye

My 21 Things

My 21 things

I would be 21 very, very soon. Although I am not excited about growing old, I look forward to a new chapter to unfold. It’s basically a new year. So, let the fireworks explode!

This year, since I have a blog where I can write possibly about anything, I will share things that I am fond of, those that I wish would have and those that mean to me, at this point in my life. J

Presenting… ehem… drumroll please… My 21 things 2012!

Haha,. I am excited so let us have the ball rowling..


1. The David Beckham haircut (No, I’m not a fan but I like how the hair looks on him.) I like the length (which is rather short) and the texture– a bit spiky but not too rough. Never mind the color; I’d like mine red like strawberries, or mahogany, or bright pink?


2. Shoes. Although I like all these pairs but I particularly pick the vintage-y footwear which is the ‘in’ thing for men today. It looks good on anything – matches formal, semi, or even casual everyday styles. The leather shoes are also astonishing, it’s neat, it shines and it’s waterproof? The moss green, orange are other nice picks.


3. The black long-sleeved polo. It is a must-have. If I would crave for clothing, this would definitely be that. You can look so sleek and clean wearing this, plus, it matches almost anything. I would love to go to work on this, but the fit would be a major issue.


4. Maybe it is time to get a watch. I would love to have a rubber bracelet for it, in neon (yellow, green, tango orange), on second thought, white would look gorgeous, right? It gotta be wide as well.


5. Men’s perfume. I just want the feel that I am wearing fragrance. It makes you more confident, I guess. It would smell a lot better than sweat.


6. Pizza. I lke mine oozing with all types of cheeses and toppings. I love bell peppers and pineapples, too. Not much tomatoes, though.

 Image7. I would also like to have an alarm clock, as I find it hard to wake myself from sleep. And I get late to work, many times. Perhaps an alarm clock could help.

 8. Coffee. I used to consume as much as three cups a day– that was when I had the luxury of time to enjoy. Now I only get one, which my mom prepares in the morning. Coffee is my ultimate comfort drink. And I like it black!



 9. A yellow cardigan! Yes! It gotta be yellow. But black can be nice too. 🙂


10. A pair of black slacks that fit well. I always find it difficult to find clothes that fit me well. Having my clothes repaired is extra cost, so I really have to choose them very vigilantly. J otherwise, i deprive myself of looking and feeling comfortable. Haha.

 11. A necktie (to match the long-sleeved polo shirt). Plus a guide on how to tie the tie!



12. A seashore sunset. I would love to go to the beach with some good company, sharing nice conversations while the tides strike the pebbled shores. It is poetry in flesh. But solitude would also be fun.







13. A compilation of my favorite songs! While I can’t count the songs that I like, I have a short list which includes… Anyways, I would appreciate anything that stabs deep. I am becoming a fan of Taylor Swift lately. I wonder why.







14. A kitten. Aren’t they so cute and adorable?



15. My friends’ company. We all have been busy as everybody is pursuing his/her own career. One day of fun and laughter would be great but an hour or two would mean so much already. Hope this happens!




16. I hope work turns out good and eventually better. Fingers-crossed. As long as I am happy with what I do, then there shouldn’t be anything that will make me quit. Hopefully…

17. A couple of pounds more! I wish for good health. I have been sickly these past few days. While I have been eating enough, my body just can’t take the toil of overtime work. Since work is a blessing, I can’t say no. plus I believe opportunities like this have expiration dates. So do I. I think I just have to compensate with vitamins, and good vibrations to drive stresses away!






18. Comments to this blog. Please? I hope I grow readers from two to twenty. That would feel rewarding. And comments are most welcome.


19. Eight hours of sleep (and more)!!!! Oh I can’t wait to have enough time to just lie in bed for as long as I can. While they say adults need at least six hours, let me have the pleasure of adding another two, I deserve it.







20. My family. Nothing material in this list can mean more than the people I have home. No matter what.

21. Lastly, I wish for a stronger heart to accept my weaknesses. A heart that will guide my decisions and help me stand harder against anything. And a heart that lives in great faith, not determined by the walls of any edifice but by the transcendence of the One who created me.